'In this flow, mind & matter are not separate. Rather, they are different aspects of one whole and unbroken movement'

David Bohm - Physicist


We all desire meaningfulness in our lives and we usually seek out the healing of therapy at times when life may fee challenging, difficult perhaps directionless or overwhelming in some way. Meaningfulness is found not only in the dramatic and the intense but also in the small, subtle moments, illuminated by a curious awareness.


Life contains setbacks and suffering which can feel painful and we may develop strategies to avoid and bypass such feelings. The process of therapy is to gently explore in the present the way we feel about ourselves and our lives and to bring embodied awareness to what obscures the inherent wholeness at our core.

‘We are slowed down sound and light waves, a walking bundle of frequencies tuned into the cosmos. We are souls dressed up in sacred biochemical garments and our bodies are the instruments through which our souls play their music’.



I am a compassionate Trainee Core-Process Psychotherapeutic Counsellor with my own deeply lived experience and personal journey. I am currently studying a four year in depth psychotherapy training in Core-Process Psychotherapy with the Karuna Institute. Core Process psychotherapeutic paradigm integrates Western psychodynamic principles with Buddhist psychology and mindfulness practice in a way that is unique in the therapy field, working with thoughts, emotions, body senses and awareness, imagination and spirituality. Core-Process Psychotherapy enquires into human experience at many different levels. There is a gentle invitation to reconnect to your deeper self, become curious about how present moment experience is arising in the body, bringing spaciousness to the bodymind and developing awareness of how things are from moment to moment. This holistic approach offers a unqiue way to explore our suffering and well-being. Core-Process Psychotherapy can be described as a Mindfulness-Based approach.


Alongside my Core-Process Psychotherapy training, I am a qualified integrative counsellor with a core Person-Centred counselling training. I am also trained in Somatic Trauma Therapy with Babette Rothschild. My practice has naturally gravitated to become influenced by an integration of Eastern and Western philosophies about the bodymind and selfhood. This draws on ancient Buddhist psychology and teachings into the nature of human experience at many different levels. My work is also informed through bodymind theories and practice which combine somatic based trauma therapy, compassion focused therapy, and relational mindfulness which are intrinsic to my therapeutic practice. 


My personal experience in life has been extensive, rich and deep. I’ve walked a diverse path so far through life and this has enabled me to understand and work with people from all kinds of backgrounds, cultures and lifestyles. I believe that both the body and mind need to be present for healing to occur. I am compassionate about supporting people to find ways to get back in touch with themselves; enabling them to find new connections to their inner authenticity and wisdom so that they can feel less identified with their traumatic stories and become more identified with their true sense of themselves. I am committed to my own ongoing journey of personal and spiritual enquiry. Development and practices that sustain and resource me on this journey are meditation, embodied enquiry and the wisdom of the natural world.

‘We are all linked by a fabric of unseen connections. This fabric is constantly changing and evolving. This field is directly structured and influenced by our behaviour and by our understanding.


David Bohm - Physicist



Since qualifying as a counsellor, I have worked for ten years within organisations and charities supporting young people, adults and young adults with their emotional health and well-being. I have worked for several years as a counsellor in further education colleges and a school counsellor in secondary schools. I was the LGBT+ counsellor for a charity in Bath, a counsellor supporting adults and young people for an specialist eating disorder charity and a counsellor for The Family Counselling Trust, a charity working with children, young people and families. I now have a full time private practice in Bath. My work has enabled me to support many people of all ages from diverse social backgrounds, different cultures and ethnicities and working with varying genders and sexualities. My previous career has been consistent and diverse in working alongside young people and young adults and adults. As a manager responsible for the co-ordination of youth work services throughout areas of Somerset, within the education system and charities supporting homeless young adults and people with eating disorders.

I believe that both the body and mind need to be present for healing to occur. I am compassionate about supporting people to find ways to get back in touch with themselves, wherever they may find themselves; enabling them to find connections to their inner authenticity and wisdom so that they can feel less identified with their traumatic stories, patterns and conditions and become more present to their true sense of themselves.


Each therapeutic relationship is unique. My approach is creative and holistic allowing a depth that promotes intentional, and conscious healing. My aim is to create a space in which you feel able to reconnect to your deeper sense of self in the present and feel less identified with patterns and disconnection that are no longer working for you. What motivates my work is that I see the potential in every client and honour the wisdom of your own inner healer. My wish is to create opportunities for you to follow your process as it unfolds and to make the changes that you want and need in your present life.



  • Post Graduate Diploma in Core-Process Psychotherapy - Karuna Institute (in progress)

  • Diploma in Relational Mindfulness - Karuna Institute

  • MA in Counselling & Psychotherapy Practice 1st Class

  • PGCE in Psychology of Education

  • Counselling Children & Young People Level 5

  • Certificate in Counselling Children - Place2Be

  • Professional Diploma in Therapeutic Counselling - CPCAB

  • DipHE in Informal & Community Education

  • BA (Hons) Social Science (Psychology)


  • The significance of Polyvagal Theory for Touch and Somatic Therapists with Dr Stephen Porges - CTET

  • Working with Domestic Abuse in CYP & Families - BACP

  • Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training - (ASIST) LivingWorks

  • Enhanced CBT-E Certificate Eating Disorders - NHS

  • Introduction to Compassion Focused Therapy for Eating Disorders - NHS

  • Eating Disorders for Professionals - SWEDA

  • Somatic Trauma Therapy Training – Post Graduate Training with Babette Rothschild

  • Anxiety & Depression - The Polyvagal Theory and the Body Dialogue

  • Compassion Focused Therapy Training - NHS

  • Introduction to Hakomi Mindfulness Centred Somatic Psychotherapy

  • Working Alongside Trans, Gender Diverse & Questioning People - Gendered Intelligence

  • Introduction to Embodied Relational Psychotherapy (ERT)

Membership of Professional Body

I maintain a safe, confidential and ethical practice adhering to the UKCP & BACP Ethical Framework guidelines.

I am a Registered Member of the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (MBACP)

I am a Trainee Psychotherapeutic Counsellor Member of UKCP

Where I work

I live and work in central Bath and my private practice is conveniently located in a peaceful area in central Bath a few minutes walk from the centre. Parking is available for clients at no charge.

How I work

I offer longer term core-process psychotherapy which is open ended depending on the client’s needs enquiring into human experience at different levels and, if appropriate, working somatically, creatively, imaginatively, and expressively.

I offer face to face and online Trainee Core-Process Psychotherapeutic Counselling


1 Hour Core-Process Trainee Psychotherapeutic Counselling Session - £55

I offer a free of charge 30 minute initial consultation to discuss your needs

Sessions can be paid for via cash or BACS



Opening hours

Monday - Thursday
09:00 - 19:00
09:00 - 12:00